Genre: Animation, Adventure
Directed by: David O. Russell
Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale and Amy Adams
Plot: "A look at the early years of boxer "Irish" Micky Ward and his brother who helped train him before going pro in the mid 1980s." ~ imdb
Rating: 9/10
Trailer: Mark Wahlberg's type of movie (I didn't like him in The Other Guys with Will Ferrell)
+ more of a movie about family than boxing, which I love because there are some great scenes with family brawls
+ not much stereotyping in this movie with Amy Adams being a bartender with attitude =)
+ what a performance from Christian Bale. He sacrifices a lot for the roles he plays (lost over 100 lbs for this movie) and does a great job portraying his character (Oscar worthy)
+ heartwarming scenes for anyone who has grown up in a dysfunctional family
- predictable, but that's pretty much the only weakness